Books for Migrants is now the Migrant Support Collective! Join us in celebrating at our launch party in Chicago on Sept. 29!

who we are

Bek, Community Engagement and Program Director

Community Engagement & Program Director


Michelle, Advocacy Director

Advocacy Director


Raquel, Operations & Partnership Director

Operations & Partnership Director


Mimi, Design and Digital Communications Director

Design & Digital Communications Director


Get Involved

As a completely volunteer-run organization, we depend on our partners and community to keep us going. If you're interested in learning about future volunteer opportunities, send us a message below!

Our Story

2020: Beginnings

Created based on direct client need and the demonstrated positive impact of library materials for detained migrants, we started Migrant Support Collective as Books for Migrants. Funding was dedicated to LGBTQIA+ migrants detained in the Midwest.

2021-2023: Expansion

We expanded our services to detained migrants of any sexual orientation or gender identity. We also gained enough funding to support detained migrants in any area of the United States, rather than solely the Midwest.

2024: Going Beyond

After operating informally as a mutual aid fund for a few years, the team decided it was time to seek a more formal status in order to have more sustainable funding and expand our programs and services. 

In 2024, Books for Migrants changed our name to Migrant Support Collective in order to reflect the broadening scope of our programs and services. Now, we continue providing library materials, and we also plan to provide additional support for mental health, creative outlets, and community connection.

"A lot of people don’t understand how a book can make a difference to someone inside. They don’t know the hardship of just being in here. Receiving a book and knowing there are people out there that really care for other people, it just makes you feel special. It makes you feel like everything’s going to be better."

MSC Program Participant