Books for Migrants is now the Migrant Support Collective! Join us in celebrating at our launch party in Chicago on Sept. 29!

programs & services

Programs and Services header

We provide free, volunteer-run programs and services that help people facing the United State’s dehumanizing and traumatizing migrant detention system maintain their sense of dignity, identity, and community.

Library Materials

Through MSC, people can request funds for books and journals of their choice.

The American Civil Liberties Union reports that there are no enforceable standards regarding library materials in ICE Detention. In fact, there are no standards at all regarding recreational reading materials. ICE’s most recent National Detention Standards for Non-Dedicated Facilities from 2019 regarding recreation do not discuss access to libraries or books aside from stating that detainees will not be required to forgo law library privileges for recreation privileges. While Standard 6.3, states that detainees shall be permitted access to “a law library, and provide legal materials, facilities, equipment, printing and copying privileges, and the opportunity to prepare legal documents,” it does not state any standards – enforceable or not – regarding recreational reading materials.

Request Funds

Phone & Commissary

Coming soon!

Phone calls & commissary items are expensive in ICE Detention. MSC uses a single fund for both since detainees are allowed only one account.

Phone calls: People in detention have to pay for phone calls to those who are not part of their legal team, such as family members, friends, & therapists. MSC provides funding for these calls, helping maintain social ties while detained.

Commissary: People can use commissary funds to buy items like toothpaste, soap, coffee, or extra food. MSC provides funding to offset the costs of these basic needs.

Mental Health Initiative

Coming soon!

MSC will provide free educational materials on how to cope with the stress of detention. Volunteer social workers and psychologists will assist in compiling these materials in English, Spanish, and French.

Between 2017-2019, experts hired by DHS's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties conducted research showing that detainees at Buffalo Service Center often had maladaptive coping strategies, leading to psychotic episodes and self-harm. At least six detainees' distress was either unnoticed or minimized by mental health staff, increasing their risk of suicidal behavior. Similar issues were found at other centers like Adelanto, where mental health oversight was lacking. Over the past few years, MSC has funded library materials for detainees at these and other centers nationwide.

Pen Pal Program

Coming soon!

MSC will match people who are detained by ICE with volunteers who would like to be penpals. To support the program, MSC will cover the costs of all necessary materials and supervise volunteers. Preference will be given to penpals who are dedicated to staying in contact for the entire time someone is detained.

Community-building Art Program

Coming soon!

MSC will run art programming designed to create a sense of connection and community for people in ICE detention. To support art programs, MSC will provide art materials to detained migrants. The project will culminate in an art exhibit where attendees have the opportunity to write notes to the detained artists.

Support Our Work

As a completely volunteer-run mutual aid fund, we depend on your donations to keep us going. We invite you to be part of creating a world where migrants live free from the injustices of detention.